Governance Governance describes the processes that ensure the College is administered in an ethical, sustainable and legally compliant way. Instruments Guide to Governance How Council and its committees are structured, roles and responsibilities. Council and Committees The purpose, terms of reference, and members for each committee. Charter The founding document presented by The Queen when it acquired its status as a higher education institution in 1990. Statutes Details of the members of the College, the functions of bodies, and conditions of service for academic staff. Ordinances Detailed information, terms and conditions about specific areas of College business and governance. Standing Orders The standard operating procedures explain the conduct and responsibilities of Council and its Committees. Regulations and guidance Academic Manual The regulations for students, what you can expect of us, and what we can expect of you. Financial Regulations These provide control over our resources, ensuring they are properly applied for the achievement of our objectives. Policies and procedures Rules and guidance for how processes and systems are operated. Public Information Annual Reports and Financial statements Ethnicity Pay Gap Freedom of Information requests / Publication schedule Gender Pay Gap 勛圖厙 Students' Union Insurance Office for Students Information Official responses and statements Prevent Statutory statements and reports Student support services at 勛圖厙 Information Management Freedom of Information Data Protection Privacy notices Copyright CCTV Retention Schedule Implementation Services Mission and values Our mission and values articulate what type of institution we are and what is important to us. Appeals and complaints The Student Casework team look after matters involving Student Complaints, Academic Appeals and Student Conduct. Contact Governance General enquires: Freedom of Information: Data Protection: